Characterization of the five novel Ly‐6 superfamily members encoded in the MHC, and detection of cells expressing their potential ligands

Lymphocyte Antigen 6 (Ly‐6) superfamily members are cysteine‐rich, generally GPI‐anchored cell surface proteins, which have definite or putative immune related roles. There are 27 members of this family described so far in the human genome and 37 in the mouse. Five of them are clustered in the class III region of the human and mouse MHCs. Following computational analyses, we functionally characterized the encoded proteins by creating epitope‐tagged fusion constructs to determine molecular weight, complex formation, subcellular localization, post‐translational modifications and ligand binding. We found that all human and mouse proteins were glycosylated, and most could form part of larger complexes. Human and mouse Ly6G6c and Ly6G6d, and mouse Ly6g6e were found to be GPI‐anchored cell surface proteins, highly expressed at the leading edges of cells, on filopodia, which are normally involved in cell adhesion and migration. However, analysis of Ly6G5c and Ly6G5b indicated that they are potentially secreted proteins. Our results indicate that there are two subclusters of related Ly‐6 proteins in this region of the MHC, with Ly6G6c, Ly6G6d, and Ly6G6e forming one and Ly6G5c and Ly6G5b forming another. In addition, by FACS analysis we have found that the potential ligands for human LY6G6C, LY6G6D, and LY6G5C are expressed on K562 cells, an undifferentiated megakaryocyte cell line, indicating a potential role in hematopoietic cell differentiation. This characterization of the five MHC class III region Ly‐6 family members is of great relevance, as they represent 18% of the human Ly‐6 protein family and 50% of the secreted ones.

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