Luminescence decay times of KBr:Ga+

The kinetics of the luminescent decay of KBr: Ga+ have been studied from 1.6 to 300 K. Below 45 K, a complex decay consisting of a slow (τs) and fast (τf) time constant is observed for both the AT and AX emissions. The temperature dependence of the AT and AX decay is explained in terms of the same model: in both AT and AX the emitting levels are twofold degenerate with a nondegenerate rap below, in agreement with recent calculations of Bacci et al. and Fukuda et al. From 45 to 55 K, the decay time τs of AT is found to be equal to the rise time of AX. Over the same range of temperature, the AX emission increases at the expense of the AT emission. Analysis of these data shows that AT and AX relaxed excited states are actually connected by a nonradiative process involving an activation energy B.