Superconductivity of Y–Ba–Cu–O and substituted systems

Superconductivity of Y-Ba-Cu-O system is studied in the composition 2:2:3 and 1:2:3 of Y:Ba:Cu. The effect of replacement of Y or Ba by divalent Sr and Ca, trivalent Ce and tetravalent Zr is studied. X-ray diffraction, SEM and TEM techniques are used for materials characterization. Superconducting transition temperatures are measured resistively. Rapid resistance drop observed above 230 K in Y-Ba-Sr-Cu-O and Y-Ba-Ca-Cu-O systems indicate the possible existence of superconductivity above 230 K. Substitution of Ce in place of Y is found to reduce the onset Tc from 95 K to 80 K. For the first time, replacement of Cu by Zr in Y-Ba-Cu-O has yielded the onset Tc of about 105 K.