He3flow in dilute43He mixtures at temperatures between 10 and 150 mK

The mutual friction between He3 and He4 II below 150 mK has been studied. Empirical relations for the adiabatic and the nonadiabatic flow properties of He3 moving through He4 have been determined using a dilution refrigerator with a single mixing chamber. The validity of the relations is verified by osmotic-pressure measurements and by measuring the properties of a double-mixing-chamber system. It is shown that superleak shunts have a strong effect on the flow characteristics. From the nonadiabatic flow properties an expression is derived for the mutual-friction-force density between He3 and He4 II. This has a strong resemblance to the Gorter-Mellink mutual-friction-force density between the normal and the superfluid components in pure He4 II. It is speculated that the He3 flow in our systems generates a He4 vortex tangle, which leads to the observed mutual friction between He3 and He4 and also to a strong clamping of the He4 to the walls.