Analysis of organelle genomes in a somatic hybrid derived from cytoplasmic male-sterile Brassica oleracea and atrazine-resistant B. campestris

An atrazine-resistant, male-fertile Brassica napus plant was synthesized by fusion of protoplasts from the diploid species B. oleracea and B. campestris. Leaf protoplasts from B. oleracea var. italica carrying the Ogura male-sterile cytoplasm derived from Raphanus sativus were fused with etiolated hypocotyl protoplasts of atrazine-resistant B. campestris. The selection procedure was based on the inability of B. campestris protoplasts to regenerate in the media used, and the reduction of light-induced growth of B. oleracea tissue by atrazine. A somatic hybrid plant that differed in morphology from both B. oleracea and B. campestris was regenerated on medium containing 50 μM atrazine. Its chromosome number was 36–38, approximately that of B. napus. Furthermore, nuclear ribosomal DNA from this hybrid was a mixture of both parental rDNAs. Southern blot analyses of chloroplast DNA and an assay involving tetrazolium blue indicated that the hybrid contained atrazine-resistant B. campestris chloroplasts. The hybrid's mitochondrial genome was recombinant, containing fragments unique to each parent, as well as novel fragments carrying putative crossover points. Although the plant was female-sterile, it was successfully used to pollinate B. napus.