A number of investigators have pointed out the therapeutic value of sulfanilamide (para-amino-benzenesulfonamide) in infections due to the beta-hemolytic streptococcus. A review of this work will be found in the recent article of Long and Bliss.1Buttle and his co-workers2and Proom3have also demonstrated protective and curative properties for the drug against meningococcic infections in mice. This paper will report the preliminary observations on the use of sulfanilamide in the treatment of ten cases of meningococcic meningitis and one of septicemia only. The ages of the patients ranged from 1 to 34 years. After the first two patients had been treated, the drug was used in every case admitted for meningococcic infection. There was therefore no selection of cases; they ranged in severity from moderate to severe illness. METHOD OF TREATMENT Within the limitations of individual need, all patients were treated in the same manner, by