Chronic Inflammatory Cells with Epithelial Cell Characteristics in Teleost Fishes

Certain cells that participate in the chronic inflammatory response of teleost fishes have many features typical of epithelioid cells of mammals. Such features include high metabolic activity, frequent phagolysosomes, and cytoplasmic interdigitations between adjacent cells; however, the epithelioid granulomas formed in response to certain diseases in teleost fishes also have several features associated with epithelial cells. Cases of ulcerative mycosis or acid-fast bacterial infection in Atlantic menhaden ( Brevoortia tyrannus), fungal infection in silver perch ( Bairdiella chrysoura), and mycobacteriosis in Mozambique tilapia ( Oreochromis mossambicus) had epithelioid cells that were joined together by well-formed desmosomes with tonofilaments. “Mature granulomas” of the ulcerative mycosis-infected menhaden stained positively for cytokeratin, a cytoskeletal protein that is considered to be highly specific for epithelial cells. The consistent presence of these heretofore unrecognized epithelial features suggest that they may be characteristic of certain types of cells participating in piscine chronic inflammation.