We calculate numerically the exact relaxation spectrum of the totally asymmetric simple exclusion process (TASEP) with open boundary conditions on lattices up to 16 sites. In the low- and high-density phases and along the nonequilibrium first-order phase transition between these phases, but sufficiently far away from the second-order phase transition into the maximal-current phase, the low-lying spectrum (corresponding to the longest relaxation times) agrees well with the spectrum of a biased random walker confined to a finite lattice of the same size. The hopping rates of this random walk are given by the hopping rates of a shock (a domain wall separating stationary low- and high-density regions), which are calculated in the framework of a recently developed non-equilibrium version of Zel'dovich's theory of the kinetics of first-order transitions. We conclude that the description of the domain wall motion in the TASEP in terms of this theory of boundary-induced phase transitions is meaningful for very small systems of the order of ten lattice sites.