A Monoclonal Antibody Against γ-Glutamyltransferase From Human Primary Hepatoma: Its Use in Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay of Sera of Cancer Patients2

A monoclonal antibody, γ-120, was raised against a highly purified γ-glutamyltransferase (γGT) from human primary hepatoma. The antibody preferentially bound to the small subunit of γGT from human hepatoma and kidney as evidenced by immunoblot analysis. Weak binding to the normal liver enzyme could be detected by solid-phase enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). With the use of this antibody, an ELISA was developed for the quantitation of immunoreactive γGT in human serum. Sera of 188 normal control subjects displayed a low level (9.4 μg/ml) of immunoreactive γGT. Highly elevated levels of immunoreactive γGT were detected in the sera of patients with primary hepatoma, metastatic liver cancer, pancreatic cancer, and certain types of lung cancer. Slightly elevated levels of immunoreactive γGT were seen in the sera of patients with liver cirrhosis. The levels of γGT were within a normal range in the sera of patients with gastrointestinal cancers and patients with nonmalignant diseases such as hepatitis and gallstones. The antibody has been shown to be useful for the diagnosis of some of the neoplastic diseases.