Antibiotic multiresistance plasmid pRSB101 isolated from a wastewater treatment plant is related to plasmids residing in phytopathogenic bacteria and carries eight different resistance determinants including a multidrug transport system

Data are presented from two-dimensional (2-D) PAGE analysis of Mycobacterium tuberculosis strain Harlingen grown during aerobic and anaerobic culture, according to a modified Wayne dormancy model. M. tuberculosis cultures were grown to the transition point between exponential growth and stationary phase in the presence of oxygen (7 days) and then part of the cultures was shifted to anaerobic conditions for 16 days. Growth declined similarly during aerobic and anaerobic conditions, whereas the ATP consumption rapidly decreased in the anaerobic cultures. 2-D PAGE revealed 50 protein spots that were either unique to, or more abundant during, anaerobic conditions and 16 of these were identified by MALDI-TOF. These proteins were the α-crystalline homologue (HspX), elongation factor Tu (Tuf), GroEL2, succinyl-CoA : 3-oxoacid-CoA transferase (ScoB), mycolic acid synthase (CmaA2), thioredoxin (TrxB2), β-ketoacyl-ACP synthase (KasB), l-alanine dehydrogenase (Ald), Rv2005c, Rv2629, Rv0560c, Rv2185c and Rv3866. Some protein spots were found to be proteolytic fragments, e.g. HspX and GroEL2. These data suggest that M. tuberculosis induces expression of about 1 % of its genes in response to dormancy.