Pasture growth rates are presented for two sites, Mona Bush and Winton, on the Southland Plains. Yields were obtained from grazing trials cut by a standardised method at regular intervals using a movable cage technique. Thc mean yield and standard error of individual samples over all years of measurement are given for standard dates at 14-day intervals. The growth pattern at both sites had a spring-summer peak and a marked winter depression from late May to early September. On average. about 6% of the annual yield was produced during the winter months of June, July, and August; 35% during spring; 40% during summer; and 19% during autumn. The growth pattern of the Lolium perenne component at Mona Bush generally reached an October-November peak and a smaller February-March peak. At Winton, the total grass component reached peak growth rates in spring. At both sites, Trifolium repans contributed about 50% of its annual growth during the summer. General climatological data, rainfall, and temperature during the period of pasture measurements are given for each site.

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