Beneficial Effects of the Bioflavonoids Curcumin and Quercetin on Early Function in Cadaveric Renal Transplantation: A Randomized Placebo Controlled Trial

The bioflavonoids quercetin and curcumin are renoprotective natural antioxidants. We wished to examine their effects on early graft function (EF). Between September 2002 and August 2004, 43 dialysis dependent cadaveric kidney recipients were enrolled into a study using Oxy-Q which contains 480 mg of curcumin and 20 mg of quercetin, started after surgery and taken for 1 month. They were randomized into three groups: control (placebo), low dose (one capsule, one placebo) and high dose (two capsules). Delayed graft function (DGF) was defined as first week dialysis need and slow function (SGF) as Cr >2.5 mg/dl by day 10. Category variables were compared by chi squared and continuous variables by Kruskal-Wallis. There were four withdrawals: one by patient choice and three for urine leak. The control group had 2/14 patients with DGF vs. none in either treatment group. Incidence of EF was control 43%, low dose 71% and high dose 93% (P=0.013). Serum creatinine was significantly lower at 2 days (control 7.6+/-2.1, low 5.4+/-0.6, high 3.96+/-.35 P=0.0001) and 30 days (control 1.82+/-.16, low 1.65+/-.09, high 1.33 +/-.1, P=0.03). Acute rejection incidence within 6 months was control 14.3%, low dose 14.3% and high dose 0%. Tremor was detected in 13% of high dose patients vs. 46% of others. Urinary HO-1 was higher in bioflavonoid groups. Bioflavonoid therapy improved early graft function. Acute rejection and neurotoxicity were lowest in the high dose group. These bioflavonoids improve early outcomes in cadaveric renal transplantation, possibly through HO-1 induction.