Magnetoencephalographic localization of epileptic cortex—impact on surgical treatment

A 24‐channel, Planar, superconducting quantum interference device gradiometer, sampling a fourth of the head surface over brain tissue, was used to determine the site of an epileptic focus in a 36‐year‐old woman with intractable complex partial epilepsy. The other presurgical findings appeared divergent: a large arachnoid cyst over the right parietal convexity, dissimilar interictal electroencephalographic patterns, and several neuropsychological dysfunctions. The equivalent current sources of magnetoencephalographic spikes were in the right posterior temporal region of the cortex, 4 cm apart from the cyst. Surgical exploration of the area pinpointed by magnetoencephalography revealed a pachygyric patch of cortex displaying focal discharges on the electrocorticogram. After resection, a dramatic reduction of seizures occurred. The good agreement between electrocorticography and magnetoencephalography warrants future investigation of multichannel magnetoencephalography as a potential alternative to invasive presurgical recordings.