A small, informal conference on the above topic was held on the : ampus of Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University January 15–18, 1973. The invited participants consisted mainly of persons primarily interested in application of mathematical methods in transport theory and included E. Burniston and C. Siewert of North Carolina State; K. Case, Rockefeller; A. Gibbs, Battelle Northwest; H. Kaper, Argonne; A. Leonard, Stanford; J. Mika, Warsaw; T. Mullikin, Purdue; as well as L. Baird, R. Bowden, K. Hansgen, R. Jones, C. Lingus, L. Mync, S. Sancaktar and P. Zweifel of the host institution. The participants were urged to present work in progress and speculative ideas, with a view towards stimulating discussion. Most participants did exactly that; the discussions were indeed stimulating and informative. The brief report of the conference given here should thus be read as a description of work in progress, much of it still high speculative.