Defining and Developing Professionalism

During the development of a new occupational therapy curriculum, professionalism was identified as a core process component essential to occupational therapy practice. A group, comprised of faculty, clinicians, and students, was charged to examine professionalism and to make recommendations for curriculum planning and development. However, a consistent description or definition of professionalism was lacking in the literature. Defining professionalism was, therefore, the first task of the group. A schematic representation of professionalism was developed through a review of the literature and qualitative analysis of information obtained from discussion groups focussed on professionalism. In this paper, the schematic representation of professionalism will be presented as well as information about two supported self-study courses entitled, Fostering Professional Development and Becoming a Professional. A professional portfolio guide for the student occupational therapist will also be described. Future implications and directions for fostering professionalism will be discussed.

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