Population, Habitat, and Genetic Characteristics of Colorado River Cutthroat Trout in Wilderness and Nonwilderness Stream Sections in the Uinta Mountains of Utah and Wyoming

Colorado River cutthroat trout Oncorhynchus clarki pleuriticus, once common in the upper Green River and Colorado River watersheds, are currently limited to less than 1% of their former range and exist in isolated subdrainages in Colorado, Utah, and Wyoming, We compared stream populations, habitat, and genetic features of Colorado River cutthroat trout (CRCT) in wilderness and nonwilderness areas of the Uinta mountains, Utah–Wyoming. Densities of adult CRCT were significantly higher in wilderness reaches than in nonwilderness reaches, while densities ofjuvenile fish showed no difference. Lengths and weights ofjuvenile and adult CRCT were significantly higher in wilderness reaches than in the nonwilderness reaches. Adult habitat quality, as measured by the percent pool habitat, percent undercut bank, mean particle size, and mean stream depth, was significantly higher in wilderness reaches, Large woody debris and the hydraulic retention of the stream were positively related to juvenile abundance an...

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