The 1994 Australian Radiology Workforce Committee Report

The task assigned to the College Workforce Subcommittee by the RACR Federal Council is to define current radiologist and trainee numbers, analyse professional demographics, and attempt to forecast radiologist numbers and the medical demand for radiological services. The period of this forecast is for 7 years leading up to 2001. This time course has been chosen on the basis of a 2 year period before any recommendation by Council could be instituted by the Educational Board and 5 years before any change in trainee numbers would be reflected in radiologist numbers. By necessity, assumptions have been made in formulating the final calculations and recommendations; the most difficult being the designation of an 'optimum' number of radiologists for our population. This assignment is an ongoing review and prediction process. The results and conclusions should be compared and contrasted to previous reports, in particular the 1992 Manpower Study.