Radiographic Assessment of the Vesicourethral Anastomosis Directing Early Decatheterization Following Nerve-Sparing Radical Retropubic Prostatectomy

Early decatheterization directed by postoperative gravity cystography in 55 consecutive radical prostatectomy patients is described. The catheter-free status was 22 per cent by postoperative day 8, 62 per cent by postoperative day 11 an 80 per cent by postoperative day 14. Cystograms performed beginning on postoperative day 7 identified 3 groups of patients and dictated their management: 1) no extravasation resulting in immediate catheter removal (36 patients), 2) moderate extravasation requiring repeat cystography leading to decatheterization by postoperative day 15 (9 patients) and 3) severe extravasation necessitating prolonged catheter drainage (8 patients). A decatheterization protocol is presented.