Calorimetric Study of the Glassy State. XI. Plural Glass Transition Phenomena of Cyclohexene

Two kinds of glassy crystalline phases (I and III) of cyclohexene were realized by different thermal treatments. The heat capacities of the glassy and the supercooled crystal-I and -III, as well as the stable crystalline phases were measured by an adiabatic calorimeter in the temperature range 12–300 K. The glass transition temperature Tg, the heat capacity jump at Tg and the residual entropy were found to be 81 K, 11.4 JK−1 mol−1 and 11.7 JK−1mol−1 for crystal-I and 83 K, 3.6 JK−1 mol−1 and 2.6 JK−1 mol−1 for crystal-III, respectively. The glassy liquid state of cyclohexene was realized by vapor condensation technique, its Tg being 78 K as determined by DTA method. The results provide the first example of plural glass transition phenomena in one and the same lowmolecular-weight compound.