Studies in detoxication. 83. The aromatization of cyclohexanecarboxylic acid in hens

Cyclo[carboxy-14CJ Hexanecarboxylic acid has been prepared by the reduction of [carboxy-14C]-benzoic acid. cycloHexanecarboxylic acid is extensively aromatized when administered orally to hens. This was proved by the isolation of benzoyl glucuronide and L(+)-ornithuric acid from the urine. By isotope dilution it is shown that of the 14C administered orally to hens as cyclohexanecarboxylic acid (dose 200-260 mg/kg) about 80% is excreted in 24 hr.; 50-60% of the dose is excreted as benzoyl glucuronide and 10-20% ornithuric acid. About 5% of the cyclohexanecarboxylic acid is excreted unchanged.