Activity of the purified mutagenesis proteins UmuC, UmuD', and RecA in replicative bypass of an abasic DNA lesion by DNA polymerase III.

The introduction of a replication-inhibiting lesion into the DNA of Escherichia coli generates the induced, multigene SOS response. One component of the SOS response is a marked increase in mutation rate, dependent on RecA protein and the induced mutagenesis proteins UmuC and UmuD. A variety of previous indirect approaches have indicated that SOS mutagenesis results from replicative bypass of the DNA lesion by DNA polymerase III (pol III) holoenzyme in a reaction mediated by RecA, UmuC, and a processed form of UmuD termed UmuD9. To study the biochemistry of SOS mutagenesis, we have reconstituted replicative bypass with a defined in vitro system containing purified protein and a DNA substrate with a single abasic DNA lesion. The replicative bypass reaction requires pol III, UmuC, UmuD9, and RecA. The nonprocessed UmuD protein does not replace UmuD9 but inhibits the bypass activity of UmuD9, perhaps by sequestering UmuD9 in a heterodimer. Our experiments demonstrate directly that the UmuC-UmuD9 complex and RecA act to rescue an otherwise stalled pol III holoenzyme at a replication-blocking DNA lesion.