The life cycles of halacarids were investigated through monthly sampling during one year. Measured volumes of algae were collected immediately above and below the water level. Metarhombognathus armatus was dominating in the upper zone with Enteromorpha, and Rhombognathides seahami in the lower zone with Ceramium. Halacarids are annual but the two dominating species represent two patterns of recruitment: M.armatus has a distinct period of reproduction and upgrowth, while R.seahami has a less distinct reproductive period and the different stages may be found all year round. The stages larva, protonymph, deutonymph, and adult are estimated to last 1–2 weeks, 2–3 weeks, 4–5 months, and 6(–7) months, respectively, for M.armatus, and 1 month, 1 month, 4–5 months, and 6(–7) months for R.seahami. The general distributions and the zonation of the species sampled are discussed and the results are compared with the informaion given in the literature.