The genes encoding the Rieske iron-sulfur protein and cytochrome f from a unicellular, naturally transformable, photoheterotrophic cyanobacterium, Synechococcus sp. PCC 7002, formerly Agmenellum quadruplicatum, have been isolated and sequenced. The two genes were found to be on a single operon, petCA. The Synechococcus sp. PCC 7002 iron-sulfur protein contains 181 amino acids, the conserved putative iron-binding domains CTHLGCV, residues 108–114, and CPCHGS, residues 128–133, no presequence and has a 73% sequence identity to the Nostoc PCC 7906 iron-sulfur protein. The 325 amino acid apocytochrome f sequence contains a 42 amino acid presequence, a CANCH heme binding domain, residues 20–24 from the presumed start of the mature protein, and a predicted hydrophobic membrane-spanning domain, residues 250–269. The mature cytochrome f sequence has a 71.5% sequence identity with Nostoc PCC 7906 cytochrome f and possesses a large (-14) negative charge and low calculated pI of 4.47 compared to higher plant chloroplast sequences. Nine separate domains showing differences in charged residues among cyanobacteria and plants have been identified and the possibility that these domains are involved in the ionic interactions with plastocyanin or cytochrome c-553 is discussed.