Glial Cell Line-Derived Neurotrophic Factor and Developing Mammalian Motoneurons: Regulation of Programmed Cell Death Among Motoneuron Subtypes

Because of discrepancies in previous reports regarding the role of glial cell line-derived neurotrophic factor (GDNF) in motoneuron (MN) development and survival, we have reexamined MNs in GDNF-deficient mice and in mice exposed to increased GDNF afterin uterotreatment or in transgenic animals overexpressing GDNF under the control of the muscle-specific promoter myogenin (myo-GDNF). With the exception of oculomotor and abducens MNs, the survival of all other populations of spinal and cranial MNs were reduced in GDNF-deficient embryos and increased in myo-GDNF andin uterotreated animals. By contrast, the survival of spinal sensory neurons in the dorsal root ganglion and spinal interneurons were not affected by any of the perturbations of GDNF availability.In wild-type control embryos, all brachial and lumbar MNs appear to express the GDNF receptors c-ret and GFRα1 and the MN markers ChAT, islet-1, and islet-2, whereas only a small subset express GFRα2. GDNF-dependent MNs that are lost in GDNF-deficient animals express ret/GFRα1/islet-1, whereas many surviving GDNF-independent MNs express ret/GFRα1/GFRα2 and islet-1/islet-2. This indicates that many GDNF-independent MNs are characterized by the presence of GFRα2/islet-2. It seems likely that the GDNF-independent population represent MNs that require other GDNF family members (neurturin, persephin, artemin) for their survival. GDNF-dependent and -independent MNs may reflect subtypes with distinct synaptic targets and afferent inputs.