Impact resistance of crowned endodontically treated central incisors with internal composite cores

The impact fracture resistance of crowned endodontically treated teeth with composite cores but without posts, that had either no coronal dentin remaining or a 1mm dentin collar was compared to that of unrestored, caries free teeth. The teeth were struck mid-labially to simulate a common trauma situation using a pendulum device and fracture1 resistance determined by calculation of absorbed energies. No significant difference was found between the intact teeth and the-crowned root treated teeth with composite core and a 1mm dentin collar. Crowned loot treated teeth with a composite core but no coronal dentin had significantly reduced fracture resistance (p < 0.05). Teeth with the dentin collar mainly fractured obliquely from the bueeal crown margin to a point coincident with the simulated alveolus, representing a clinical situation which would allow retention rather than extraction of the tooth.