Regeneration of Transgenic Soybean (Glycine max) Plants from Electroporated Protoplasts

Transgenic soybean (Glycine max [L.] Merr.) plants were regenerated from calli derived from protoplasts electroporated with plasmid DNA-carrying genes for a selectable marker, neomycin phosphotransferase (NPTII), under the control of the cauliflower mosaic virus 35-Svedberg unit promoter, linked with a nonselectable mannityl opine synthesis marker. Following electroporation and culture, the protoplast-derived colonies were subjected to kanamycin selection (50 micrograms per milliliter) beginning on day 15 for 6 weeks. Approximately, 370 to 460 resistant colonies were recovered from 1 x 10(6) electroporated protoplasts, giving an absolute transformation frequency of 3.7 to 4.6 x 10(-4). More than 80% of the kanamycin-resistant colonies showed NPTII activity, and about 90% of these also synthesized opines. This indicates that the linked marker genes were co-introduced and co-expressed at a very high frequency. Plants were regenerated from the transformed cell lines. Southern blot analysis of the transformed callus and leaf DNA demonstrated the integration of both genes. Single-plant assays performed with different plant parts showed that both shoot and root tissues express NPTII activity and accumulate opines. Experiments with NPTII and mannityl opine synthesis marker genes on separate plasmids resulted in a co-expression rate of 66%. There results indicate that electroporation can be used to introduce both linked and unlinked genes into the soybean to produce transformed plants.