Seasonal allergic conjunctivitis is the only ocular disease to involve solely Type-1 hypersensitivity, the other main forms of ocular allergy--perennial allergic conjunctivitis, vernal and atopic keratoconjunctivitis and giant papillary conjunctivitis--each having a more complex immunological basis and a chronic inflammatory component. Involvement of secondary inflammatory cells, particularly eosinophils, in addition to the mast cells resident in the conjunctival substantia propria, can lead to more serious corneal damage with vision-threatening potential. Thoughtful management of allergic conjunctivitis is needed in order to control the ocular inflammation without incurring steroid-induced side-effects, and patient education is also an important factor in maintaining optimal allergen avoidance, especially in the more severe and chronic cases. Laboratory models can be helpful in assessing the potential of new drugs, and SWR mice (topically sensitised and challenged with short ragweed) show clinical signs of allergic conjunctivitis, together with mast cell and eosinophil involvement, remarkably similar to the human pathophysiology. The antiinflammatory activity of both steroids and nedocromil sodium observed in this animal model supports therapeutic evidence of the usefulness of second-generation mast cell stabilising drugs in the treatment of ocular allergy.