A study of the relatively steady state voltage gradient between the symphy-sis pubis and the cervix uteri in [female] [female] with malignant and non-malignant disease of the genital tract is reported. A micro-voltmeter, a recording galvanometer, and Ag-AgCl electrodes were used. One electrode was strapped on the lower abdomen above the symphysis pubis and the other was placed on or alongside the cervix. Using a chart speed of 1 inch in 2 mins., records were taken for periods of 10-15 mins. All the cases of malignancy showed a marked negativity of the region of the cervix with respect to the symphysis. The diagnosis in these patients was confirmed by pathologic examination. The patients with non-malignancy showed an almost uniform positivity of great magnitude in the region of the cervix. Three unexplainable exceptions occurred. Treatment by roentgen ray or radium therapy did not affect the measurements. The method used should not be considered a substitute for other diagnostic procedures.