Selectively outbred Dahl salt-sensitive (DS) and salt-resistant (DR) rats were compared with the inbred Dahl salt-sensitive (SS/Jr) and salt-resistant (SR/Jr) rats developed from the original Brookhaven stocks by J.P. Rapp. The animals were evaluated for genotype at the renin locus. The inbred strains are uniformly homozygous for their respective alleles, s in SS/Jr and r in SR/Jr. DR rats were also uniformly homozygous for the r renin allele. In DS rats, however, three renin alleles were segregating. In addition to the s and r alleles, a third allele, designated the z allele, was found. The gene frequencies in DS rats were s = 0.690, r = 0.284, and z = 0.026. Continued use of DS and DR rats in most experimental work is inappropriate because of genetic heterogeneity in the DS stock.