
Male Sprague-Dawley strain rats were fed with a diet containing 0.4% beta-aminopropionitrile, beginning at 21 days of age. Elastin, collagen and total hexosamine content of the aortas were determined after 7, 14 and 21 days of this diet. Elastin content of the aorta gradually decreased, reaching a minimum after 14 days of feeding. It then recovered, closely approaching the control value. The appearance of abnormal elastic material in interlamellar space, and the disappearance of interlamellar elastic fibers were observed. No significant differences in total collagen content were observed between experimental and corresponding control rats. The argyrophilic fibrous sheath of the medial elastic lamellas disappeared in the lathyritic rat aorta. A considerable increase in total hexosamine content was found in the lathyritic rat aorta at 21 days of the diet. Histologically, a localized accumulation of acid mucopolysaccharides was demonstrated along the inner elastic lamellas of the media, even in the 7-day specimen. Remarkable accumulation was seen in the rat aorta at 14 and 21 days of the lathyrogenic diet.