Scaling of the angular dependence of the critical current density in high-Tcsuperconductors

We report a general scaling behavior of the dependence of the critical current density jc(B,T,Θ) on the direction of the magnetic field at low temperatures in c-axis-oriented high-Tc superconductor thin films with different strengths of interlayer coupling. Measurements of jc(B,T,Θ) for pure YBa2 Cu3 O7, doped YBa2(Cu1x Znx )3 O7, Bi2 Sr2 CaCu2 O8, and YBa2 Cu3 O7/PrBa2 Cu3 O7 superlattice films with different relative orientations of the current j, magnetic field B, and crystallographic direction c allow the identification of the dissipation caused by flux parallel to the superconducting layers moving in the c direction.