Electrophysiological heterogeneity and stability of reentry in simulated cardiac tissue

Generation of wave break is a characteristic feature of cardiac fibrillation. In this study, we investigated how dynamic factors and fixed electrophysiological heterogeneity interact to promote wave break in simulated two-dimensional cardiac tissue, by using the Luo-Rudy (LR1) ventricular action potential model. The degree of dynamic instability of the action potential model was controlled by varying the maximal amplitude of the slow inward Ca2+ current to produce spiral waves in homogeneous tissue that were either nearly stable, meandering, hypermeandering, or in breakup regimes. Fixed electrophysiological heterogeneity was modeled by randomly varying action potential duration over different spatial scales to create dispersion of refractoriness. We found that the degree of dispersion of refractoriness required to induce wave break decreased markedly as dynamic instability of the cardiac model increased. These findings suggest that reducing the dynamic instability of cardiac cells by interventions, such as decreasing the steepness of action potential duration restitution, may still have merit as an antifibrillatory strategy.