A Holocene calcrete from North Yorkshire, England: implications for interpreting palaeoclimates using calcretes

Glacial gravels of Late Devensian Dimlington Stadial age (26 000–13 000 years BP) at West Tanfield, North Yorkshire, England, have been cemented by carbonate‐rich solutions to produce a strongly indurated calcrete horizon. The low‐Mg cements occur as drusy spar, needle fibres, alveolar septal structures, micrite and micropinnacles, indicative of vadose‐zone cementation. Some complex pore partition structures attributed to precipitation along meniscus films also occur. These partitions separate air‐dominated and water‐dominated microenvironments of the vadose zone. The abundance of vadose fabrics shows that the accumulation is not a groundwater calcrete. In addition, much of the carbonate appears to have been precipitated by biological mediation.Carbon and oxygen isotopic data suggest that the carbonate did not form as a result of freezing, as has been suggested for some ‘arctic’soil carbonates. The pollen history of the area since the Devensian suggests that this calcrete precipitated at low temperatures; this contrasts with widely reported occurrences of calcrete in soils of hot arid or semi‐arid regions, and suggests that palaeo‐calcretes should not be used as absolute palaeoclimatic indicators.The unusual occurrence, albeit localized, of a thick calcrete under a cool and wet climate probably reflects the well‐drained nature of the gravels, the abundance of CaCO3 as limestone clasts in the gravel and a high degree of biological activity beneath a forest cover, which created a local environment favouring carbonate precipitation.