Synthesis of Ba2YCu3O7–δ Superconductor through Organometallic Route

The chemical synthesis of a high-Tc Ba2YCu3O7–δ superconductor was investigated through the organometallic route, using Ba metal, Y(OPri)3, and Cu–alkoxides or Cu–acetylacetonate as starting materials. Chemically homogeneous submicron powders of single phase Ba2YCu3O7–δ were successfully prepared at 750 °C by controlled partial hydrolysis of metal alkoxides. The utilization of ozone for favorable decomposition of Ba2YCu3O7–δ precursors was found to have a remarkable effect on suppressing the formation of BaCO3 and lowering the formation temperature of Ba2YCu3O7–δ to about 650 °C. The single phase Ba2YCu3O7–δ ceramics exhibited superconductivity at approximately 83 K (Tc end).