Electrochemical Properties As A Function of Ph for the Benzotriazine DI-N-Oxides

The electrochemistry of five benzotriazine di-N-oxides has been examined by cyclic voltammetry and differential pulse and dc polarographies as a function of pH. Between the pH range 8.5 and 2 the trend to less negative potentials with lowering of pH can be described by an equation of the type Ep = - apH + b. Comparison has been made with the mono- and zero-N-oxides which were found to show virtually identical trends in electron affinity with pH. The general electrochemical characteristics for the di- and mono-N-oxides under acidic conditions were found to be comparable with the zero-N-oxide. This was particularly the case on repeat scanning in the cyclic voltammetric mode. The redox mechanism involved reduction by a 4-electron addition step and subsequent loss of the A-oxide group(s) yielding the intact benzotriazine heterocycle. The helerocycle was also redox active, involving a reversible 2-electron reduction. for the di-N-oxides these two stages could be identified as separate processes at alkaline pH, but ony a single step at acidic values. The mono-N-oxide in which the electrochemical behaviour was dominated by the triazine, showed only a single reduction step, although the single N-oxide group was redox active.