Accuracy, reproducibility and clinical utility of the CoaguChek S portable international normalized ratio monitor in an outpatient anticoagulation clinic

The accuracy and reproducibility of the CoaguChek S, and its clinical agreement with conventional laboratory international normalized ratio (INR) determination, were evaluated in an outpatient anticoagulation clinic setting. Forty‐three patients provided 248 paired INR measurements for analysis. The paired results were highly correlated (r = 0.90). The mean coefficient of variation for the CoaguChek S for a random sample of 21 patients with three repeated tests each, was 4%. Clinical applicability was also measured by discrepant INR values, as defined in the literature by expanded and narrow agreement, and by INR values resulting in a different clinical decision by a blinded haematology registrar. Expanded agreement and narrow agreement between the two INR values occurred 90 and 88% of the time, respectively. The stricter criteria set down by the clinician resulted in 73% of paired results producing the same dosage decision. The CoaguChek S displayed good correlation with laboratory determination of INR and compared relatively well with expanded and narrow clinical agreement criteria.