In Vivo Effects on Maturation Time of Rabbit Reticulocytes in the Circulation

Summary Reticulocyte rich blood with [32P]RNA was transfused into control and experimentally treated host rabbits, to find out whether the maturation time of reticulocytes is predetermined before they enter the circulation or is influenced by extracellular factors. It was found that in controls as well as in rabbits made anaemic by bleeding, splenectomized or subjected to hypoxia or hyperoxia, the maturation time was unaffected by treatment of the host rabbit. In contradistinction maturation was enhanced in iron‐deficient host rabbits. In irradiated host rabbits, maturation was delayed.It is suggested that the maturation time of reticulocytes in the circulation is not influenced by conditions affecting the cell function as carrier of oxygen, but rather by changes in the protein synthesis apparatus of the reticulocytes, at least as far as iron deficiency is concerned.

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