Summary. The effect of CO2 on the growth of 31 strains of Candida albicans was studied in serum and in a defined medium containing urea, ammonium chloride, asparagine, glutamine or acetamide as the nitrogen source. CO2 10% enhanced the mycelial growth of all strains when the medium contained an appropriate constituent to mediate its effect. The effect of CO2 was most clearly demonstrated at 30°C when it induced a characteristic growth form consisting of a single swollen blastospore giving rise to a long, unbranched mycelial tube with few secondary blastospores; in atmospheric concentrations of CO2 only blastospore growth occurred. Growth in the blastospore form was more rapid in CO2 10% than in air. Bicarbonate ions had no effect on mycelium formation. The result suggest that the induction of germ-tubes and mycelial growth is essentially a physical phenomenon caused by the intracellular accumulation of CO2 in limited nutrient conditions, a view consistent with other reported laboratory and clinical findings.