A Randomised Comparison of Two Forms of a Brief, Group, Psychoeducational Program for Cancer Patients: Weekly Sessions versus a “Weekend Intensive”

There is considerable evidence that brief group psychoeducational programs for cancer patients, offering support and some training in coping skills, may have lasting beneficial effects on mood and quality of life. Objective: to compare two different formats of a brief, group psychoeducational program for cancer patients; a standard format of six weekly two-hour sessions or a “weekend intensive,” involving the same content and contact time compressed into two days. Method: Cancer patients were randomly assigned to either the standard weekly intervention ( n = 77) or the weekend program ( n = 79). Two assessment measures were used: Profile of Mood States (POMS) and Functional Living Index for Cancer (FLIC). Assessments were made before and after each intervention and at a nineteen-week follow-up. Results: While the two formats were found to be equivalent in their overall effects on mood and quality of life, there were some differences. There was a sudden, large improvement in mood by the end of the weekend version of the course (2-day time point) but this did not persist, and by the six-week point and again at nineteen-weeks, mood improvement was the same for both groups. Quality of life improvement seemed to be marginally greater with the six-weekly sessions (reaching statistical significance at the 6-week point). Conclusions: The two formats produced similar improvements in both mood and quality of life. We discuss the need for further studies to find optimal ways of presenting such help for different patient groups.