Textures in superfluidHe3-A: Hydrodynamic and magnetic effects in a cylindrical pore

Transformation of the Ginzburg-Landau free energy for superfluid He3 to cylindrical polar coordinates yields the field equations and specular boundary conditions for a cylindrical geometry. Similar transformations give the particle and spin current densities. Application to He3-A near Tc in a long pore of radius R predicts various stable configurations. For R6 μm, d^ and l^ flare upward near the center, inducing an extra free energy per unit length that is independent of R, and an angular momentum per particle 0.782ρsρ. For R6 μm, d^ is uniform and l^ is radial, with a depaired region of radius ξ(T) near the center; the corresponding extra free energy per unit length is proportional to ln[Rξ(T)], with no current or angular momentum. In a large cylinder (R6 μm), an applied axial field deforms d^ and l^, increasing the angular momentum up to a critical magnetic field (≈ 20-30 G), when d^ and l^ abruptly undergo a textural transition and become radial. In contrast, an applied axial superflow in a large cylinder decreases the angular momentum.