Adolescent Medicine

UNTIL a decade ago there has been little recognition or appreciation in medical practice of the adolescent age as a unique period of physiological and psychological growth and development. "... the pediatrician had been preoccupied with infectious diseases and acute medical needs such as (those of) premature infants, transfusions, feeding problems... the internist with the ills of adulthood and advancing age."1The recognition of a need to provide medical care for the adolescent by Gallagher2and others3has led to the development of special clinics and ward services throughout the United States and Canada. It has been estimated that by 1970 over half of the population of the United States will be under 25 years of age.4While the mortality and morbidity of this age group is low,5hospitals, physicians, public health personnel, and others concerned with the health of the nation will be faced with

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