Paleoecology and Geochronology of Uruguayan Coastal Marine Pleistocene Deposits

Minimum radiocarbon ages of marine Pleistocene molluscs from Uruguay range from 29,500±600 to 35,500±1900 14C yr B.P. Because knowledge of the marine Quaternary stratigraphy of Uruguay remains inadequate, no attempt is made to correlate between these deposits and recognized lithostratigraphic units. Analysis of the temperature and salinity ranges of the various molluscs suggests the establishment of a poly-euhaline fauna that inhabited waters warmer than present at the same latitude. This is supported by a northward retreat in the recent distribution of Chrysallida cf. C. gemmulosa, Nioche subrostrata, and probably Anomalocardia brasiliana. These marine Pleistocene deposits can probably be correlated with the last interglaciation (oxygen-isotopic substage 5e). At that time the fluvial-marine front of the Rio de la Plata was displaced much further northwestward than previously supposed. Chrysallida cf. C. gemmulosa and Limaria sp. are recorded in Uruguayan Quaternary deposits for the first time.