Bladder and sexual function after surgery for rectal cancer

Bladder function and sexual potency were studied before and after surgery for rectal carcinoma. Urinary voiding after postoperative removal of indwelling catheter was impaired in seven of 22 men, leading to prostatic surgery in four. Two years later, eight of 16 men reported disturbed voiding, but no significant changes were found in bladder capacity, residual volume, flow rate, or detrusor pressure. Sexual potency was reduced in five or ten men, in one with retrograde ejaculation; and three did not achieve erection. Objective postoperative bladder disturbance was surprisingly rare. Symptoms of denervation were more commonly attributable to sympathetic rather than parasympathetic lesions, possibly as a result of more energetic dissection in the anteroposterior plane than along the lateral pelvic walls. No patient had total autonomic denervation. Wide indications are advocated for prostatic resection in patients who have prostatic symtoms in association with surgery for rectal carcinoma.