It is shown explicitly, for the first time, how the microgeometry influences the membrane potential Em of a porous medium, in which the pore walls carry an electric double layer. A unified model of the electrical conductivity σeff and the membrane potential is obtained. It is shown that σeff=σcation+σanion, and Emσcation(σcation+σanion), for any arbitrary tortuosity. The effective tortuosities for the macroscopic cation and anion conductivities, σcation and σanion, are distinct, as they depend on the microgeometries of the pore and the surface and on the surface charges. For a positively charged surface, σcation increases nonlinearly as a function of σw, the conductivity of the electrolyte which fills the pore space, whereas the σanion varies linearly. As σw increases, the dominant paths for the cation current shift from surface to pore, and, therefore, are subjected to different tortuosities at different σw, while the tortuosity for the anion does not vary with σw. The use of the electrical conductivity and the membrane potential as the probes of the microstructure is explored.