Bite Forces with Mandibular Implant-retained Overdentures

Sensitivity or pain of the mucoperiosteum covering the mandibular edentulous ridge is often thought to limit bite forces in complete-denture wearers. Therefore, bite forces with mandibular implant-retained overdentures may depend on the degree of implant support. This study analyzed the effects of different degrees of support for the mandibular denture on bite forces measured four years after denture treatment as part of a randomized controlled clinical trial. All subjects had received new maxillary dentures and (1) mainly implant-borne overdentures on a transmandibular implant (TMI), (2) mucosa-borne overdentures on two cylindric permucosal IMZ implants, or (3) new conventional dentures in the mandible. Fifty-three women and 15 men (mean age, 59.1 yrs; range, 41 to 77) participated in this trial. Both unilateral and bilateral bite forces were recorded at different positions with a miniature strain gauge transducer and a mechanical bite fork, respectively. The subjects were asked to bite at three force levels. Results indicated that women had significantly lower maximum bite forces than men. Persons with mandibular implant-retained overdentures had significantly higher unilateral and bilateral maximum bite forces than complete-denture wearers. However, bite forces did not differ between the mainly implant-borne (TMI) and mucosa-implant-borne (IMZ) implant systems. Therefore, it appears that differences in support for the mandibular overdenture by dental implants are not reflected in bite force capabilities.