Electron microscopic study of the regeneration in vitro of rat peritoneal mast cells after histamine secretion

Summary Regeneration of rat mast cells was studied by TEM from 10 s to 48 h after secretion of histamine induced by compound 48/80. During the first 2 h, small intracellular cavities, formed during compound exocytosis and containing non-membrane-bound remnants of the granules, tended to coalesce, and after 2 h of incubation regeneration started. After 6 h, all the cavities had fused into one large central cavity which contained the remnants of the granules and remained open to the exterior during the entire period. The plasma membrane microfolds which disappeared just after secretion were reformed during regeneration. They were apparently involved in endocytotic-like activity and coated vesicles also appeared beneath the plasmalemma (membrane recycling?). The fate of the granule remnants in the cavity is unknown, as regeneration was not completed after 48 h which is the longest survival time obtained so far in ultrastructural studies of mast cell regeneration in vitro.