The effect of single and of multiple doses of prednisolone tertiary butyl acetate on cell population kinetics in the small bowel mucosa of the rat

Summary The effect of single and of multiple doses of prednisolone upon cell population kinetics in the rat jejunal crypt was investigated, using autoradiography and stathmokinetic techniques with vincristine. Single injections of prednisolone (2.5 mg/kg body weight) induced a depression in both flash thymidine labelling and mitotic indices; this change was shown to be due to a decreased cell production rate. Recovery of these proliferative indices occurred over seven days after injection; measurement of crypt size parameters showed a transient decrease in crypt population. Multiple daily injections of prednisolone (1 mg/kg body weight) produced a more sustained decrease in labelling and mitotic indices, which lasted as long as injections were continued (7 days); stathmokinetic techniques showed decreases in cell production rates, and the crypt population was also depressed throughout this period. It is concluded that prednisolone depresses cell proliferative rates in rat jejunal mucosa.