Serum Gastrin Concentrations in Pernicious Anemia

Fasting and postprandial (two hour) venous gastrin concentrations were measured in serums from a population of 29 patients with pernicious anemia and compared with a control population of patients. Mean fasting and postprandial gastrin concentrations for the patients with pernicious anemia were 997 (± 182 S.E.) and 1007 (± 303 S.E.) pg per milliliter respectively, whereas fasting and postprandial serum gastrin levels for the control patients were 165 (± 28 S.E.) and 209 (± 55 S.E.) pg per milliliter. The differences are significant (p less than 0.025). Among the patients with pernicious anemia nine of 29 (31 per cent) had serum gastrin levels sufficiently elevated to be considered in the hypergastrinemic range characteristic of the Zollinger — Ellison syndrome.