A 48 year old Negro male steel worker was admitted in a state of shock to the Temple U. Med. Center following a single oral penicillin tablet 10 minutes prior to his collapse. One year previously the patient went into shock following a penicillin injection. He developed a massive gastrointestinal hemorrhage requiring 1500 ml whole blood. The following day, a limited upper gastrointestinal X-ray simulated an infiltrative carcinoma of the stomach. Although subsequent radiographic studies were normal, a gastroscopy examination on the 8th day still suggested a submucosal infiltrative lesion involving the entire stomach. By the 20th day, gastroscopy was essentially normal with changes of only mild superficial gastritis. When an individual known to be allergic manifests sudden gastrointestinal symptoms, gastric urticaria should be considered as an explanation for bizarre radiographic and gastroscopic findings.