Galaxy Formation and Evolution: I. The Padua TreeSPH code (PD-SPH)

In this paper we report on PD-SPH the new tree-sph code developed in Padua. The main features of the code are described and the results of a new and independent series of 1-D and 3-D tests are shown. The paper is mainly dedicated to the presentation of the code and to the critical discussion of its performances. In particular great attention is devoted to the convergency analysis. The code is highly adaptive in space and time by means of individual smoothing lengths and individual time steps. At present it contains both dark and baryonic matter, this latter in form of gas and stars, cooling, thermal conduction, star formation, and feed-back from Type I and II supernovae, stellar winds, and ultraviolet flux from massive stars, and finally chemical enrichment. New cooling rates that depend on the metal abundance of the interstellar medium are employed, and the differences with respect to the standard ones are outlined. Finally, we show the simulation of the dynamical and chemical evolution of a disk-like galaxy with and without feed-back. The code is suitably designed to study in a global fashion the problem of formation and evolution of elliptical galaxies, and in particular to feed a spectro-photometric code from which the integrated spectra, magnitudes, and colors (together with their spatial gradients) can be derived.

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